Simple or Structured (Part 4)

Skeletons are like structures and systems; it brings stability. Skeletons are hidden but it forms the body. It gives you form; you take the shape of your skeleton. Your structure brings stability, gives you form and shape, it helps you stand. The first thing to put in place in any vision or life is structure. Listen here or download the […]

Simple or Structured (Part 3)

Where There is no Structure Where there is no organization, disorganization becomes the structure of such a place. Where there is no structure, Wastage becomes the norm There is a spirit that causes to waste.

Simple or Structured (Part 2)

God is a God of structures. He brought order into a disorderly world; the entire creation shows that God is structured. If God runs that organization, how will he run it. If God runs your home, what will it look like? If God runs your affairs really, would your life remain the same? Listen or download the message to learn […]

Simple or Structured

NGCC Ibadan Inaugural Service There is simplicity in the positive sense, that is, to be open-minded to the things of God. There is simplicity in the neutral sense which means to be easily influnced and there is simplicity in the negative sense; this means to be foolish. What are the signs to look out for to know if you are […]

Church Culture Part 2

A poor mindset will produce a poor things and a rich mind will produce a rich things. Ignorance can limit people!!! If you believe wrongly, you will act wrongly and your result will be wrong. Never accept resistance as circumstance.

Come and Go Part 5

Compassion can move you. One of the things you must pray for if you are going to be someone that advances the kingdom of God is compassion. You need to begin to ask yourself what breaks your heart as a believer? If God will send anybody, he will send a compassionate person.

Church Culture

There is a culture that must be part of you once you are part of the family of the body of Christ(Church). The Church has a culture and the Church cultures us. Church is about culturing! The Church is the ground and pillar of truth.

Com and Go part 4

There are people that you will hang around with and you will sense that there is a drawing towards God in there heart. The devil loves hijacking people from the time they are children. As kingdom men, we can’t joke with children. It’s so unfortunate that most times we focus on adults and ignore the children. When the devil discovers […]

Come and Go Part 3

There is a lot of investment from God in the making of men! The making of people takes time! God is not a frivolous God.He has a plan for our lives. When God is making you, you won’t look good. But when He is done, you will become a masterpiece.