The Power of a Vow
A vow, in its truest sense, is a solemn and binding promise made to God, a commitment to either perform a specific action or abstain from a particular behaviour. In the context of a wedding ceremony, most people are often too caught up in the excitement and emotions of the day to truly contemplate the profound significance of the vows […]
Pastors and Mentors
In the days that we’re in, one of the offices in the five-fold ministry that is being abused is the pastoral office. When it comes to marriages, it is exclusively between a man and woman, but there is no marriage that can be done without a third party: children, in-laws, siblings or pastors. How, then, can you handle third parties […]
Flames: Dealing with Wrong Attractions in Marriage
Right after you say “I do”, There is a tendency to meet someone who seems better than your spouse. There are times that working in close proximity to someone can be the trigger point. There are times that ignorance can lead a person into unfaithfulness. Download this message to learn how you can be protected from strange attractions.
Finding and Being Found
The devil wants to ensure that patterns are broken because he knows that if it is not done according to pattern you are not going to get the answers you need. There is a pattern to kingdom things. If kingdom patterns are not known, life can be frustrating. One of the major kingdom pattern is that the person you marry […]
Best Wine
Make sure you invite Jesus at the commencement of your name. If your union is going to be based on Christ, everything about your wedding, reception must reflect Christ. When you have the Lord with you and you do whatever he says to do, you are guaranteed of the best wine. A woman is an investment. Anything you give to […]
Prayer of Supplication
One of the important things that a believer must master is prayer. It is in prayer that we turn time and chance to our favour. Do not gather every other thing and forget to learn to pray. Life is deeply spiritual. There is power in prayer and supplication. The table will begin to turn in your favour when you pray.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a way to acknowledge the goodness of God. There is a direct link between Grace and Thanksgiving. When we are unthankful, we are outisde the grace of God. You obtain grace before you enjoy answers to prayers. Thanksgiving is commanded. Thanksgiving is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Thanksgiving is our access key to the […]
Teach us to Pray
It is expected of us as believers to pray. Jesus taught us that when we pray. Prayer is not conditional, it is a must. There will be things hidden from our eyes if we don’t pray. There will be insight withheld from a believer who does not pray. We have the charge to give ourselves continually to the ministry of […]
Disciplines of Your Assignment
You can be called into Ministry by the election of Grace but you fulfil Ministry by the Discipline. Anointing has its place; Discipline has its place. David was anointed but indiscipline affected him. Samson was heavily anointed but he lacked discipline. Anointing without discipline will become a disaster. Indiscipline can destroy in the twinkle of an eye what Anointing has […]