Welcome to

Nourishing Ground Community Church

We are called to raise a generation of men passionate about God, God-given purpose and purity.

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Finding and Being Found

The devil wants to ensure that patterns are broken because he knows that if it is not done according to pattern you are not going to get the answers you need. There is a pattern to kingdom things. If kingdom patterns are not known, life can be frustrating. One of the major kingdom pattern is that the person you marry

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Our Mission

Our mission is to change lives through the message of love, build lives through practical teaching of God’s word and help men realize their God-given potential through leadership training.

Our Vision

To change lives through the message of love, build lives through practical teaching of God’s word and help men realize their God-given potential through leadership training.

We are called to preach the message of redemption and not that of condemnation because we believe every saint had a past and every sinner has a future. We are defined by our passion for God, purpose and purity.

Where we meet

Wonderland 1, Behind Awojobi Clinic, Eruwa, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Service times

Sundays – 9am(wat)

Tuesdays – 5pm(wat)