Welcome to

Nourishing Ground Community Church

We are called to raise a generation of men passionate about God, God-given purpose and purity.

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Best Wine

Make sure you invite Jesus at the commencement of your name. If your union is going to be based on Christ, everything about your wedding, reception must reflect Christ. When you have the Lord with you and you do whatever he says to do, you are guaranteed of the best wine. A woman is an investment. Anything you give to

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Our Mission

Our mission is to change lives through the message of love, build lives through practical teaching of God’s word and help men realize their God-given potential through leadership training.

Our Vision

To change lives through the message of love, build lives through practical teaching of God’s word and help men realize their God-given potential through leadership training.

We are called to preach the message of redemption and not that of condemnation because we believe every saint had a past and every sinner has a future. We are defined by our passion for God, purpose and purity.


You can join us from anywhere in the world for all of our programs, don’t miss out on any of our programs as God always has something for you.


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At NGCC, we believe the finest revelation of God's word is a changed life and not just a deep teaching.

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Lives are being transformed through the message of love, and the practical teaching of God’s word.

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Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly or of necessity for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Where we meet

Wonderland 1, Behind Awojobi Clinic, Eruwa, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Service times

Sundays – 9am(wat)

Tuesdays – 5pm(wat)